Wednesday, November 3, 2010

UPDATE: Recent Pictures from this Fall

What have I been doing this past year you ask? Fostering independence, creativity and goodwill towards man in these two silly kids:

I really do not know where the time goes and I know I'm not alone on this because I hear it from everyone. As we get older and increase in responsibility, the quicker the days, months, and years go by. But for these little ones, the next birthday, holiday or Halloween is a forever wait.

I'm treasuring my time with them and remind myself when I am frustrated beyond belief that this too shall pass and I will miss my little ones pulling on my shorts to get my attention. If only I survive with my sanity!

I thought I would share some recent pictures from Keaton's 2nd birthday and our fall activities.

Ladybug Girl
Giddy Up!
Birthday Smiles!