Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's the Yay Mommy Moments That Count

What a lousy, unreliable blogger I am. If you are reading this, I thank you for your tolerance and ask that you chalk it up to another person trying your patience. I only hope the content will be interesting enough to make it excusable. Now on to today's happenings.

It seems the little one fancies herself a comedian, thus more proof she is her Father's daughter. The latest phrase, "I'm fuh-nee," has brought even more smiles to the house. But like her Dad, what is "fuh-nee" to her, may not be so funny to Mommy. For example, during meals (which are a battle in themselves) the munchkin will put food item such as a grape tomato in her mouth, swish it around, and spit it out. After which, she says, "I'm fuh-nee" with a big giggle. However cute it is when she says it, I respond with the poker face and pretend like it never happened. Funny.

But it's not all bad. She's taken to celebrating her bowel movements by exclaiming, "Yay, poo poo", which I'm pretty sure she learned from Daddy. The other day while in the midst of the thankless chore of changing a stinky diaper, the little one says, "Yay, poo poo" followed by, "Yay, Mommy." Now that is appreciation! All the angst of a mundane chore was melted away and replaced with warm fuzzies. This is what being a Mommy is all about.

1 comment:

matt said...

You should teach her "Hooray!" As Poo-poo cheers have replaced beer cheers for Mommy. I'll give it up for you... Hooray Marci!!! -Holly