Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lights, Cameras, and Lots of Action!

It's clear that the little one is ready for Disneyland. On our recent family trip to Las Vegas to celebrate Grandma's 70th birthday, the munchkin was in awe of everything she saw.

Grandma loves everything French and has dreams of someday going to Paris. The family delivered her the next best thing, a suite at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. As we pulled in to town, the little one started yelling with excitement from the backseat, "Pyramids!" Followed by, "Look at that castle." When we got off the freeway to head towards the big surprise at Grandma's hotel, she points and says, "I see it. The Eiffel Tower!" All of the great structures she's learned about in one location. Mind you she has no idea that they are not actually the "real" thing but why crush the spirits of a 2 year old.

At one point in the evening, around 10pm, we found ourselves walking to the hotel across the street to see the gardens. I was walking behind the kiddo as she held Grandma's hand. She was pointing and looking in every direction and chatting to Grandma about everything she saw. All the huge TV's, lights, water shows and even an "obelisk"! It was a priceless moment.

Of course we couldn't refuse the fancy gelato after a quick walk through the botanical gardens. When all was said and done that evening. We were walking back to the car, it was after 11pm, the munchkin was covered with raspberry gelato face and Daddy and I look at each other. He says, "She has had every sense stimulated. This is what Disneyland will be like." It was so fun to watch her take in the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of all the action. I find it funny, in a disturbing sort of way, that we saw this beautiful display of innocence in Las Vegas of all places.

Best we take it to the Magic Kingdom.

The sum total of the weekend: the little one stayed up way past her bedtime, ate too many sweets and took her first limo ride. We still haven't gotten back on schedule. The perma-grin and belly laughs as a result of the weekend fun, that's what life is all about!

1 comment:

Holly said...

What a joy to watch her so amazed! I bet Grandma Lois was enchanted by that aspect of her big birthday. Priceless.