Monday, September 24, 2007

Coming of Age...In Humor

The cat is 18 years old today. Wow! Of course to him this is just another day in the burbs, sleep on the area rug, eat dry food from dish, sip water, return to area rug, move to couch for some afternoon sun, and repeat until dinner time where the humans dish out the miniature rations of fatty can food. Little does he realize that today he's in for a treat. I've decided to double his dinner portion in celebration of his birth! Poor old cat.

The little one enjoys her kitty. She knows how to "pet nicely", mostly thanks to the cat himself who taught her what happens when you don't. This kid is learning all kinds of new things. To our great enjoyment, she found her sense of humor. Last week it was just laughter, laughter, laughter. She makes herself laugh too. I never considered myself particularly funny, (pause for wise cracks) but the little one thinks I'm hilarious. Her current favorite is "If your happy and you know it," I get to "do all three...clap, stomp hooray" and she loses it. It's a wonderful thing! I smile just thinking about her smile and laughter.

The new, more jovial side of the little one came as quite a relief. When she was itty bitty, from about 4 months on, I remember feeling like I was doing something wrong. This little baby just didn't seem happy. There was the occasional smile, but we really had to work for it and forget trying to get a laugh from her. She was quite serious. Showing no physical resemblance to myself, I figured she must have inherited this less than desirable trait. I'm pretty serious, or at least thats the way it appears. Even the Mr. gets frustrated because I never laugh at his jokes but what he doesn't realize is I internalize my laughter. It's there, it's just not so obvious.

Well, I hope that the little one is less serious and easier to humor than myself. This week's breakthrough has me much more hopeful. In response to her laughter, I'm laughing more too. Bonus!

1 comment:

matt said...

HHhhmmmmmm.... for some reason, I cann picture you laughing pretty hard about really dumb stuff, before "the little one." Love that. See your email...-Holly